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There are 7 words containing IZZICA

PIZZICATIpizzicati n. Plural of pizzicato.
PIZZICATO n. a tone so produced; a passage so played.
PIZZICATOpizzicato adv. (Music) To be played by plucking the strings instead of using the bow.
pizzicato n. (Music) A note that is played pizzicato.
PIZZICATO adv. (Italian) played by plucking the string.
PIZZICATOSpizzicatos n. Plural of pizzicato.
PIZZICATO n. a tone so produced; a passage so played.
QUIZZICALquizzical adj. Questioning or suggesting puzzlement.
quizzical adj. Strange or eccentric.
quizzical adj. Jocose; humorous.
QUIZZICALITIESquizzicalities n. Plural of quizzicality.
QUIZZICALITY n. the state of being quizzical.
QUIZZICALITYquizzicality n. The state or condition of being quizzical.
QUIZZICALITY n. the state of being quizzical.
QUIZZICALLYquizzically adv. In a quizzical manner; as if puzzled or asking a question.
QUIZZICAL adv. mocking, questioning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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