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There are 13 words containing ISPHER

HEMISPHEREhemisphere n. (Astronomy, astrology) Half of the celestial sphere, as divided by either the ecliptic or the celestial equator.
hemisphere n. (Figuratively) A realm or domain of activity.
hemisphere n. (Geography) Half of the Earth, such as the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere…
HELISPHERIChelispheric adj. Spiral.
HELISPHERIC adj. pertaining to rhumb lines, loxodromic, also HELISPHERICAL.
HEMISPHEREShemispheres n. Plural of hemisphere.
HEMISPHERE n. half of a sphere.
HEMISPHERIChemispheric adj. Pertaining to or operating throughout a hemisphere.
hemispheric adj. (Uncommon) Having the shape of half a sphere.
HEMISPHERIC adj. like a hemisphere, also HEMISPHERICAL.
PLANISPHEREplanisphere n. Any representation of part of a sphere on a plane surface.
planisphere n. (Astronomy) Any of several charts of the celestial sphere having an overlay or window that may be adjusted…
PLANISPHERE n. a sphere projected onto a plane; a map of the heavens.
HEMISPHEROIDhemispheroid n. A half of a spheroid.
HEMISPHEROID n. the half of a spheroid.
PLANISPHERESplanispheres n. Plural of planisphere.
PLANISPHERE n. a sphere projected onto a plane; a map of the heavens.
PLANISPHERICplanispheric adj. Of or pertaining to a planisphere.
PLANISPHERIC adj. relating to the planisphere.
HELISPHERICALhelispherical adj. Helispheric.
HELISPHERICAL adj. pertaining to rhumb lines, loxodromic, also HELISPHERIC.
HEMISPHERICALhemispherical adj. Having the shape of half a sphere.
hemispherical adj. Pertaining to or operating throughout a hemisphere of the Earth.
HEMISPHERICAL adj. like a hemisphere, also HEMISPHERIC.
HEMISPHEROIDShemispheroids n. Plural of hemispheroid.
HEMISPHEROID n. the half of a spheroid.
HEMISPHEROIDALhemispheroidal adj. Approximating a hemisphere in shape.
HEMISPHEROIDAL adj. in the form of a half-sphere.
HEMISPHERECTOMYhemispherectomy n. (Neurosurgery) Surgical removal of a hemisphere of the brain, usually performed to control otherwise…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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