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There are 11 words containing ISCENT

CONCUPISCENTconcupiscent adj. Amorous; lustful.
CONCUPISCENT adj. having strong sexual desires.
DEHISCENTdehiscent adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to dehiscence, i.e., a rupture, as with a surgical wound opening up, often…
dehiscent adj. (Botany) Which dehisces or presents dehiscence.
DEHISCENT adj. gaping, bursting open, as the capsule of a plant.
FATISCENTfatiscent adj. (Mineralogy) Having chinks or openings; rimose.
FATISCENT adj. gaping with cracks.
INDEHISCENTindehiscent adj. (Botany) Not dehiscing when mature; not dehiscent.
INDEHISCENT adj. not splitting open at maturity.
REMINISCENTreminiscent adj. Of, or relating to reminiscence.
reminiscent adj. Suggestive of an earlier event or times.
reminiscent adj. Tending to bring some memory etc. to mind (followed by of).
REMINISCENTIALreminiscential adj. Of or relating to remembering; reminiscent.
reminiscential adj. (Of a person) Having a tendency to reminisce.
REMINISCENTIAL adj. of the nature of reminiscence.
REMINISCENTLYreminiscently adv. In a reminiscent manner.
REMINISCENT adv. of the character of or relating to reminiscence.
REMINISCENTSreminiscents n. Plural of reminiscent.
REMINISCENT n. something that serves to recall.
RESIPISCENTresipiscent adj. Showing resipiscence; right-minded; repentant.
RESIPISCENT adj. having returned to a saner mind.
REVIVISCENTreviviscent adj. Able or disposed to revive; reviving.
REVIVISCENT adj. reviving, also REVIVESCENT.
UNREMINISCENTunreminiscent adj. Not reminiscent.
UNREMINISCENT adj. not reminiscent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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