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There are 17 words containing IROGRA

SPIROGRAMspirogram n. A graph of respiratory movement.
SPIROGRAM n. a record made by a spirograph, an instrument recording movements of breathing.
CHIROGRAPHchirograph n. (Law, historical) A kind of medieval document written in duplicate (or more) on a single piece of parchment…
chirograph n. (Law, Catholicism) A papal decree whose circulation, unlike an encyclical, is limited to the Roman curia.
chirograph n. (Obsolete) The last part of a fine of land; the "foot of the fine".
SPIROGRAMSspirograms n. Plural of spirogram.
SPIROGRAM n. a record made by a spirograph, an instrument recording movements of breathing.
SPIROGRAPHspirograph n. (Medicine) an instrument for measuring and recording the depth and rapidity of breathing movements.
Spirograph n. A geometric drawing toy consisting of a set of plastic gears and toothed rings.
SPIROGRAPH n. an instrument recording movements of breathing.
CHIROGRAPHSchirographs n. Plural of chirograph.
CHIROGRAPH n. a written or signed document.
CHIROGRAPHYchirography n. Synonym of handwriting or penmanship, one’s personal skill at writing.
chirography n. Synonym of calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing.
chirography n. Synonym of autograph, writing in one’s own hand.
SPIROGRAPHSspirographs n. Plural of spirograph.
Spirographs n. Plural of Spirograph.
SPIROGRAPH n. an instrument recording movements of breathing.
SPIROGRAPHYspirography n. (Medicine) The measurement of breathing movements.
SPIROGRAPHY n. the recording of breathing movements.
CHIROGRAPHERchirographer n. Alternative form of chirographist.
CHIROGRAPHER n. (obsolete) an official of the Court of Common Pleas.
CHIROGRAPHICchirographic adj. Of or relating to chirography.
CHIROGRAPHIC adj. relating to handwriting, also CHIROGRAPHICAL.
SPIROGRAPHICSPIROGRAPHIC adj. relating to a spirograph, an instrument recording movements of breathing.
CHIROGRAPHERSchirographers n. Plural of chirographer.
CHIROGRAPHER n. (obsolete) an official of the Court of Common Pleas.
CHIROGRAPHIESchirographies n. Plural of chirography.
CHIROGRAPHY n. the study of handwriting or penmanship.
CHIROGRAPHISTchirographist n. A chirographer; a writer or engrosser.
chirographist n. One who tells fortunes by examining the hand.
CHIROGRAPHIST n. an expert in handwriting.
SPIROGRAPHIESSPIROGRAPHY n. the recording of breathing movements.
CHIROGRAPHICALchirographical adj. Chirographic.
CHIROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to handwriting, also CHIROGRAPHIC.
CHIROGRAPHISTSchirographists n. Plural of chirographist.
CHIROGRAPHIST n. an expert in handwriting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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