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There are 20 words containing IPIENC

CONCIPIENCIESconcipiencies n. Plural of concipiency.
CONCIPIENCY n. the state of being concipient.
CONCIPIENCYconcipiency n. Conception; conceiving.
CONCIPIENCY n. the state of being concipient.
DESIPIENCEdesipience n. Silliness, folly.
DESIPIENCE n. foolishness, trifling.
DESIPIENCESDESIPIENCE n. foolishness, trifling.
IMPERCIPIENCEimpercipience n. The quality of being impercipient.
IMPERCIPIENCE n. the state of being imperceptive.
IMPERCIPIENCESimpercipiences n. Plural of impercipience.
IMPERCIPIENCE n. the state of being imperceptive.
INCIPIENCEincipience n. A beginning, or first stage.
INCIPIENCE n. a beginning; an incipient state, also INCIPIENCY.
INCIPIENCESincipiences n. Plural of incipience.
INCIPIENCE n. a beginning; an incipient state, also INCIPIENCY.
INCIPIENCIESincipiencies n. Plural of incipiency.
INCIPIENCY n. a beginning; an incipient state, also INCIPIENCE.
INCIPIENCYincipiency n. A state of nascency; a quality of incipience.
INCIPIENCY n. a beginning; an incipient state, also INCIPIENCE.
INSIPIENCEinsipience n. (Archaic) stupidity; folly.
INSIPIENCE n. (archaic) a lack of intelligence.
INSIPIENCESINSIPIENCE n. (archaic) a lack of intelligence.
PERCIPIENCEpercipience n. Perception.
percipience n. The state or condition of being highly perceptive, as if in an almost hypnotic or telepathic state.
PERCIPIENCE n. the state of being percipient, also PERCIPIENCY.
PERCIPIENCESpercipiences n. Plural of percipience.
PERCIPIENCE n. the state of being percipient, also PERCIPIENCY.
PERCIPIENCIESPERCIPIENCY n. the state of being percipient, also PERCIPIENCE.
PERCIPIENCYpercipiency n. The faculty, act or power of perceiving; perception.
PERCIPIENCY n. the state of being percipient, also PERCIPIENCE.
RECIPIENCErecipience n. The ability to receive; receptivity.
RECIPIENCE n. the state of being recipient, also RECIPIENCY.
RECIPIENCESRECIPIENCE n. the state of being recipient, also RECIPIENCY.
RECIPIENCIESrecipiencies n. Plural of recipiency.
RECIPIENCY n. the state of being recipient, also RECIPIENCE.
RECIPIENCYrecipiency n. Recipience.
RECIPIENCY n. the state of being recipient, also RECIPIENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 21 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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