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There are 14 words containing IPARAS

MULTIPARASmultiparas n. Plural of multipara.
MULTIPARA n. a mother of two or more children, also PLURIPARA.
NULLIPARASnulliparas n. Plural of nullipara.
NULLIPARA n. (Latin) a woman with no children.
PLURIPARASpluriparas n. Plural of pluripara.
PLURIPARA n. (Latin) a mother of two or more children, also MULTIPARA.
PRIMIPARASprimiparas n. Plural of primipara.
PRIMIPARA n. (Latin) a woman who bears a child for the first time.
HEMIPARASITEhemiparasite n. (Botany) Any parasitic plant that obtains energy by photosynthesis as well as from its host.
HEMIPARASITE n. a parasitic plant capable of limited photosynthetic production of sugars etc.
SEMIPARASITEsemiparasite n. A semiparasitic organism.
SEMIPARASITE n. a partial parasite, feeding partly independently.
ANTIPARASITICantiparasitic adj. (Medicine) That counters infection by parasites.
antiparasitic n. (Medicine) A pesticide that counters infection by parasites.
ANTIPARASITIC n. a drug designed to counter parasites.
HEMIPARASITEShemiparasites n. Plural of hemiparasite.
HEMIPARASITE n. a parasitic plant capable of limited photosynthetic production of sugars etc.
HEMIPARASITIChemiparasitic adj. Semiparasitic.
HEMIPARASITIC adj. of or like a hemiparasite.
SEMIPARASITESsemiparasites n. Plural of semiparasite.
SEMIPARASITE n. a partial parasite, feeding partly independently.
SEMIPARASITICsemiparasitic adj. (Botany) Describing a plant that, although it uses photosynthesis, obtains some nutrition from other plants.
semiparasitic adj. (Biology) Having moderate infectiousness for living tissue.
SEMIPARASITIC adj. of, relating to, or being a parasitic plant that contains some chlorophyll and is capable of photosynthesis.
ANTIPARASITICSantiparasitics n. Plural of antiparasitic.
ANTIPARASITIC n. a drug designed to counter parasites.
SEMIPARASITISMsemiparasitism n. The quality of being semiparasitic.
SEMIPARASITISM n. the state of being semiparasitic.
SEMIPARASITISMSSEMIPARASITISM n. the state of being semiparasitic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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