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There are 12 words containing INVASI

COUNTERINVASIONcounterinvasion n. A military invasion in response to another invasion.
INVASIONinvasion n. A military action consisting of armed forces of one geopolitical entity entering territory controlled…
invasion n. The entry without consent of an individual or group into an area where they are not wanted.
invasion n. (Medicine) The spread of cancer cells, bacteries and such to the organism.
INVASIONSinvasions n. Plural of invasion.
INVASION n. the act of invading.
INVASIVEinvasive adj. Of or pertaining to invasion; offensive.
invasive adj. (Military, also figuratively) That invades a foreign country using military force; also, militarily aggressive.
invasive adj. (By extension).
INVASIVELYinvasively adv. In an invasive manner.
INVASIVE adv. intrusive.
INVASIVENESSinvasiveness n. The quality of being invasive.
INVASIVENESS n. the state of being invasive.
INVASIVENESSESINVASIVENESS n. the state of being invasive.
NONINVASIVEnoninvasive adj. Not invasive.
noninvasive adj. (Medicine) Of a surgical or other medical procedure, not requiring an incision.
non-invasive adj. Alternative form of noninvasive.
NONINVASIVELYnoninvasively adv. In a noninvasive manner.
PREINVASIONpreinvasion adj. Before an invasion; the state before an invasion.
PREINVASION adj. preceding an invasion.
REINVASIONreinvasion n. The act or process of reinvading; a subsequent invasion.
REINVASION n. the act of invading again.
REINVASIONSreinvasions n. Plural of reinvasion.
REINVASION n. the act of invading again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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