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There are 20 words containing INIUMS

ACTINIUMSactiniums n. Plural of actinium.
ACTINIUM n. a radioactive metallic chemical element, atomic number 89, the first element of the actinide series.
ALUMINIUMSaluminiums n. Plural of aluminium.
ALUMINIUM n. a light silvery malleable and ductile metallic element, also ALUMINUM, ALUMIUM.
CONDOMINIUMScondominiums n. Plural of condominium.
CONDOMINIUM n. (US) a block of apartments in which each apartment is separately owned.
DELPHINIUMSdelphiniums n. Plural of delphinium.
DELPHINIUM n. a genus of garden flower, comprising larkspur and stavesacre.
DOMINIUMSDOMINIUM n. (Latin) the right of ownership and control of property.
DURALUMINIUMSDURALUMINIUM n. a strong, light, aluminium alloy containing copper, also DURAL, DURALUMIN.
EINSTEINIUMSEINSTEINIUM n. a radioactive element produced artificially.
GADOLINIUMSgadoliniums n. Plural of gadolinium.
GADOLINIUM n. a rare metallic element found associated with yttrium and other rare metals.
GLUCINIUMSGLUCINIUM n. a former name for beryllium, also GLUCINUM.
ILLINIUMSILLINIUM n. a former name for the element promethium.
LENOCINIUMSLENOCINIUM n. in Scots law, connivance at one's wife's adultery.
MINIUMSminiums n. Plural of minium.
MINIUM n. (Latin) a red pigment.
PERIDINIUMSPERIDINIUM n. a dinoflagellate, a kind of marine protozoan, also PERIDINIAN.
PROTACTINIUMSPROTACTINIUM n. a radioactive metallic chemical element, a member of the actinide series which occurs as a decay product in uranium ores.
PROTOACTINIUMSPROTOACTINIUM n. a radioactive element that yields actinium on disintegration.
TIROCINIUMSTIROCINIUM n. early training; first experience.
TRIDOMINIUMStridominiums n. Plural of tridominium.
TRIDOMINIUM n. (Latin) threefold rule.
UREDINIUMSUREDINIUM n. a uredosorus, a sorus or pustule in which urediniospores are formed, also UREDIUM.
VACCINIUMSvacciniums n. Plural of vaccinium.
VACCINIUM n. (Latin) a genus of ericaceous shrubs including the various kinds of blueberries and the true cranberries.
VIRGINIUMSVIRGINIUM n. a name proposed for chemical element no 87, now called francium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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