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There are 11 words containing INDECI

INDECISIONindecision n. The inability to decide on a course of action, especially if two or more possibilities exist.
INDECISION n. a wavering between two or more possible courses of action.
INDECISIVEindecisive adj. (Of a person) Not decisive; not marked by promptness or decision.
indecisive adj. (Of a contest etc.) inconclusive or uncertain.
INDECISIVE adj. not decisive.
INDECIDUATEindeciduate adj. (Botany) indeciduous.
indeciduate adj. (Anatomy) Having no decidua; nondeciduate.
INDECIDUATE adj. not deciduate.
INDECIDUOUSindeciduous adj. Not deciduous; evergreen; permanent; perennial.
INDECIDUOUS adj. not deciduous.
INDECISIONSindecisions n. Plural of indecision.
INDECISION n. a wavering between two or more possible courses of action.
INDECISIVELYindecisively adv. In an indecisive manner.
INDECISIVE adv. not decisive.
QUINDECILLIONquindecillion num. (Rare, US, modern Britain and Australia short scale) 1048.
quindecillion num. (Rare, dated, Britain and Australia, long scale) 1090.
QUINDECILLION n. ten to the power of 48, or in Britain ten to the power of 90.
INDECIPHERABLEindecipherable adj. Not decipherable; impossible to decode, read, understand or comprehend.
indecipherable adj. Indistinguishable.
INDECIPHERABLE adj. incapable of being deciphered.
INDECIPHERABLYindecipherably adv. In an indecipherable fashion.
INDECIPHERABLE adv. incapable of being deciphered.
INDECISIVENESSindecisiveness n. The condition of being indecisive.
INDECISIVENESS n. the state of being indecisive.
QUINDECILLIONSquindecillions n. Plural of quindecillion.
QUINDECILLION n. ten to the power of 48, or in Britain ten to the power of 90.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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