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There are 15 words containing IMILAR

SIMILARsimilar adj. Having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable.
similar adj. (Mathematics) Of geometrical figures including triangles, squares, ellipses, arcs and more complex figures…
similar adj. (Mathematics, linear algebra) Of two square matrices; being such that a conjugation sends one matrix to the other.
SIMILARLYsimilarly adv. (Manner) In a like style or manner.
similarly adv. (Conjunctive) Used to link similar items.
SIMILAR adv. being alike but not identical.
UNSIMILARunsimilar adj. Dissimilar.
UNSIMILAR adj. not similar.
CONSIMILARconsimilar adj. Having similarities in common.
CONSIMILAR adj. like each other.
DISSIMILARdissimilar adj. Not similar; unalike; different.
DISSIMILAR adj. unlike.
DISSIMILAR n. something not similar.
SIMILARITYsimilarity n. Closeness of appearance to something else.
similarity n. (Philosophy) The relation of sharing properties.
similarity n. (Mathematics) A transformation that preserves angles and the ratios of distances.
DISSIMILARSDISSIMILAR n. something not similar.
VERISIMILARverisimilar adj. Appearing to be true or real; probable; likely.
verisimilar adj. (Fiction) Faithful to its own rules; internally consistent.
VERISIMILAR adj. seeming real or true.
DISSIMILARLYdissimilarly adv. In a dissimilar way; differently.
DISSIMILAR adv. unlike.
SIMILARITIESsimilarities n. Plural of similarity.
SIMILARITY n. the state of being similar.
CONSIMILARITYCONSIMILARITY n. the quality of being consimilar.
DISSIMILARITYdissimilarity n. Lack of similarity or lack of likeness in appearance to something else.
DISSIMILARITY n. the state of being dissimilar.
VERISIMILARLYverisimilarly adv. In a verisimilar way; suggesting truthfulness.
VERISIMILAR adv. seeming real or true.
CONSIMILARITIESCONSIMILARITY n. the quality of being consimilar.
DISSIMILARITIESdissimilarities n. Plural of dissimilarity.
DISSIMILARITY n. the state of being dissimilar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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