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There are 18 words containing IDDLER

DIDDLERdiddler n. A person who diddles; a cheat or swindler.
DIDDLER n. a cheat.
FIDDLERfiddler n. One who plays the fiddle.
fiddler n. One who fiddles; a cheat.
fiddler n. A burrowing crab of the genus Gelasimus, of many species. The male has one claw very much enlarged…
MIDDLERmiddler n. One of a middle or intermediate class in some schools and seminaries.
MIDDLER n. a student in an intermediate grade.
PIDDLERpiddler n. One who piddles; a trifler or time-waster.
piddler n. (Slang) One who urinates.
piddler n. (Prison slang) A prisoner who works in a craft shop.
RIDDLERriddler n. One who asks riddles; a puzzler.
riddler n. One who riddles or sieves (Grain, sand, etc.).
RIDDLER n. one who poses riddles.
TIDDLERtiddler n. (Informal) A small person.
tiddler n. (Britain, informal) A small fish, especially a stickleback.
TIDDLER n. a small fish.
DIDDLERSdiddlers n. Plural of diddler.
DIDDLER n. a cheat.
FIDDLERSfiddlers n. Plural of fiddler.
Fiddlers prop.n. Plural of Fiddler.
FIDDLER n. one who plays on a fiddle or violin.
MIDDLERSmiddlers n. Plural of middler.
MIDDLER n. a student in an intermediate grade.
PIDDLERSpiddlers n. Plural of piddler.
PIDDLER n. one who piddles, wastes time.
QUIDDLERquiddler n. (Archaic) A waster of time; an idler or dawdler.
QUIDDLER n. someone who quiddles.
RIDDLERSriddlers n. Plural of riddler.
RIDDLER n. one who poses riddles.
TIDDLERStiddlers n. Plural of tiddler.
TIDDLER n. a small fish.
TWIDDLERtwiddler n. One who twiddles.
TWIDDLER n. one who twiddles.
QUIDDLERSquiddlers n. Plural of quiddler.
QUIDDLER n. someone who quiddles.
TWIDDLERStwiddlers n. Plural of twiddler.
TWIDDLER n. one who twiddles.
UNRIDDLERunriddler n. One who unriddles; a solver of puzzles.
UNRIDDLER n. one who unriddles.
UNRIDDLERSunriddlers n. Plural of unriddler.
UNRIDDLER n. one who unriddles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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