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There are 18 words containing IDATOR

VALIDATORvalidator n. One who validates.
validator n. Something that validates.
VALIDATOR n. one who validates.
ELUCIDATORelucidator n. One who elucidates.
ELUCIDATOR n. one who elucidates.
LIQUIDATORliquidator n. One who liquidates.
liquidator n. One supporting the political policy of liquidationism; a liquidationist.
liquidator n. Any of the workers involved in cleaning up the Chernobyl disaster.
VALIDATORSvalidators n. Plural of validator.
VALIDATOR n. one who validates.
VALIDATORYvalidatory adj. That serves to validate.
VALIDATORY adj. relating to validation.
DILAPIDATORdilapidator n. One who dilapidates; a person causing dilapidation.
DILAPIDATOR n. an agent that dilapidates.
ELUCIDATORSelucidators n. Plural of elucidator.
ELUCIDATOR n. one who elucidates.
ELUCIDATORYelucidatory adj. Serving to elucidate.
ELUCIDATORY adj. serving to elucidate.
INTIMIDATORintimidator n. One who intimidates.
INTIMIDATOR n. one who intimidates.
INVALIDATORinvalidator n. One who, or that which, makes invalid.
INVALIDATOR n. one who invalidates.
LIQUIDATORSliquidators n. Plural of liquidator.
LIQUIDATOR n. one that liquidates.
TREPIDATORYtrepidatory adj. That trepidates, or that causes trepidations.
trepidatory adj. Of an earthquake, having a vertical, up-and-down motion, as opposed to a horizontal, side-to-side motion.
TREPIDATORY adj. causing trepidation, trembling; alarmed agitation.
CONSOLIDATORconsolidator n. Anyone who or anything that consolidates.
consolidator n. (Shipping) a business which groups different orders into one shipment.
consolidator n. (Aviation, travel) a business which buys air travel tickets in bulk, then sells them at discounted prices.
DILAPIDATORSdilapidators n. Plural of dilapidator.
DILAPIDATOR n. an agent that dilapidates.
INTIMIDATORSintimidators n. Plural of intimidator.
INTIMIDATOR n. one who intimidates.
INTIMIDATORYintimidatory adj. (Rare) That intimidates; intimidating.
INTIMIDATORY adj. tending or intended to intimidate.
INVALIDATORSinvalidators n. Plural of invalidator.
INVALIDATOR n. one who invalidates.
CONSOLIDATORSconsolidators n. Plural of consolidator.
CONSOLIDATOR n. one who consolidates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 42 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 24 words

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