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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing ISTING

BACKLISTINGbacklisting v. Present participle of backlist.
BACKLIST v. to include in a publisher's list of old books.
COASSISTINGcoassisting v. Present participle of coassist.
co-assisting v. Present participle of co-assist.
COASSIST v. to assist jointly.
CONTRISTINGcontristing v. Present participle of contrist.
CONTRIST v. (obsolete) to sadden.
DISTINGUISHdistinguish v. To recognize someone or something as different from others based on its characteristics.
distinguish v. To see someone or something clearly or distinctly.
distinguish v. To make oneself noticeably different or better from others through accomplishments.
GRAYLISTINGgraylisting v. Present participle of graylist.
GRAYLIST v. to hold (someone) in suspicion, without actually excluding him or her from a particular activity, also GREYLIST.
GREYLISTINGgreylisting v. Present participle of greylist.
GREYLIST v. to put people on a form of blacklist on which people are merely objected to rather than banned, also GRAYLIST.
INSISTINGLYinsistingly adv. In an insisting manner.
INSISTING adv. INSIST, to maintain very firmly.
LONGLISTINGlonglisting v. Present participle of longlist.
LONGLIST v. to include on a long list.
PLAYLISTINGplaylisting v. Present participle of playlist.
PLAYLIST v. to put onto a playlist.
PREEXISTINGpreexisting v. Present participle of preexist.
preexisting adj. Already in existence before something else.
preëxisting v. Present participle of preëxist.
REENLISTINGreenlisting v. Present participle of reenlist.
re-enlisting v. Present participle of re-enlist.
REENLIST v. to enlist again.
RESISTINGLYresistingly adv. So as to resist; with resistance; without accepting or yielding.
RESISTING adv. RESIST, to strive against, oppose.
UNASSISTINGunassisting adj. That does not assist; unhelpful.
UNASSISTING adj. not assisting.
UNRESISTINGunresisting adj. Not resisting; compliant.
UNRESISTING adj. not resisting.
UNTWISTINGSuntwistings n. Plural of untwisting.
UNTWISTING n. the act of untwisting.
WAITLISTINGwaitlisting v. Present participle of waitlist.
wait-listing v. Present participle of wait-list.
WAITLIST v. to put on a list of persons waiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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