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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing INTERN

INTERNALISEinternalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of internalize.
INTERNALISE v. to make internal, also INTERNALIZE.
INTERNALITYinternality n. (Uncountable) The condition of being internal or internalized.
internality n. (Countable) A thing that is internal relative to something else.
INTERNALITY n. the state of being internal.
INTERNALIZEinternalize v. (Transitive) To make something internal; to incorporate it in oneself.
internalize v. (Transitive, programming) To store (a string or other structure) in a shared pool, such that subsequent…
internalize v. (Finance) To transfer stocks between brokers within an organization, rather than through the exchange.
INTERNECINEinternecine adj. Mutually destructive; most often applied to warfare.
internecine adj. Characterized by struggle within a group, usually applied to an ethnic or familial relationship.
INTERNECINE adj. deadly, murderous, also INTERNECIVE.
INTERNECIVEinternecive adj. Internecine.
INTERNECIVE adj. deadly, murderous, also INTERNECINE.
INTERNEURALinterneural adj. (Anatomy) Between the neural arches or neural spines.
interneural n. (Anatomy) An interneural spine or cartilage.
INTERNEURAL adj. situated between the neural spines or spinous processes of successive vertebrae.
INTERNEURONinterneuron n. (Anatomy) A multipolar neuron that connects afferent and efferent neurons.
interneuron adj. Between neurons.
INTERNEURON n. an internuncial neuron.
INTERNMENTSinternments n. Plural of internment.
INTERNMENT n. the act of interning.
INTERNODIALinternodial adj. Internodal.
INTERNODIAL adj. (obsolete) between nodes, also INTERNODAL.
INTERNSHIPSinternships n. Plural of internship.
INTERNSHIP n. the office of an intern.
INTERNUNCIOinternuncio n. A diplomatic representative of the Pope ranking below a nuncio.
internuncio n. A messenger or go-between.
INTERNUNCIO n. (Italian) a messenger between two parties; a low-ranking papal legate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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