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There are 12 words containing IVIDI

DIVIDINGdividing adj. Serving to divide or separate.
dividing v. Present participle of divide.
dividing n. An act of division.
DIVIDIVIdividivi n. Alternative form of divi-divi.
divi-divi n. Caesalpinia coriaria, a leguminous tree of the southern Western Hemisphere.
divi-divi n. The seed-pods of Caesalpinia coriaria, formerly used in tanning.
LIVIDITYlividity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being livid.
lividity n. (Countable) A livid area of skin, such as a bruise, or as is often found on cadavers.
lividity n. (Uncountable) Livor mortis, suggillation.
VIVIDITYvividity n. (Uncountable, rare) Synonym of vividness.
vividity n. (Countable) A vivid thing.
VIVIDITY n. the state of being vivid.
DIVIDINGSdividings n. Plural of dividing.
dividings n. A line at which tides from two inlets meet and tide-borne sediment deposits.
DIVIDING n. separation.
DIVIDIVISDIVIDIVI n. (Caribbean) the curved pods of a small tropical American tree, used for tanning and dyeing.
LIVIDITIESlividities n. Plural of lividity.
LIVIDITY n. the state of being livid.
REDIVIDINGredividing v. Present participle of redivide.
REDIVIDE v. to divide again.
VIVIDITIESvividities n. Plural of vividity.
VIVIDITY n. the state of being vivid.
MISDIVIDINGmisdividing v. Present participle of misdivide.
MISDIVIDE v. to divide wrongly.
NONDIVIDINGnondividing adj. Not dividing.
NONDIVIDING adj. not dividing.
SUBDIVIDINGsubdividing v. Present participle of subdivide.
subdividing n. An act or process of subdivision.
SUBDIVIDE v. to divide into smaller divisions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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