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There are 17 words containing ITRAN

TITRANTtitrant n. (Analytical chemistry) The reagent of known concentration and volume used in titrations.
TITRANT n. the reagent used in titration.
CITRANGEcitrange n. Citrus × insitorum, a hybrid of the sweet orange and the trifoliate orange.
CITRANGE n. a hybrid between citron and orange.
TITRANTStitrants n. Plural of titrant.
TITRANT n. the reagent used in titration.
CITRANGEScitranges n. Plural of citrange.
CITRANGE n. a hybrid between citron and orange.
NITRANILINEnitraniline n. (Chemistry) Any of a series of nitro derivatives of aniline.
NITRANILINE n. any nitro-derivative of aniline.
DITRANSITIVEditransitive adj. (Linguistics) Of a class of verbs which take both a direct and an indirect object. An example is ’give’…
ditransitive n. (Linguistics) A verb that takes both an object and an indirect object.
DITRANSITIVE n. a verb able to take both a direct and an indirect object.
NITRANILINESnitranilines n. Plural of nitraniline.
NITRANILINE n. any nitro-derivative of aniline.
RECALCITRANTrecalcitrant adj. Marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey authority.
recalcitrant adj. Unwilling to cooperate socially.
recalcitrant adj. Difficult to deal with or to operate.
DITRANSITIVESditransitives n. Plural of ditransitive.
DITRANSITIVE n. a verb able to take both a direct and an indirect object.
RECALCITRANCErecalcitrance n. The state of being recalcitrant.
RECALCITRANCE n. the state of being recalcitrant, also RECALCITRANCY.
RECALCITRANCYrecalcitrancy n. Recalcitrance.
RECALCITRANCY n. the state of being recalcitrant, also RECALCITRANCE.
RECALCITRANTSrecalcitrants n. Plural of recalcitrant.
RECALCITRANT n. a recalcitrant person.
RECALCITRANCESrecalcitrances n. Plural of recalcitrance.
RECALCITRANCE n. the state of being recalcitrant, also RECALCITRANCY.
ANTITRANSPIRANTantitranspirant adj. (Botany, horticulture) Reducing transpiration in plants.
antitranspirant n. (Botany, horticulture) A substance applied to plant leaves to reduce transpiration.
ANTITRANSPIRANT n. any substance that decreases transpiration and, usually, photosynthesis.
RECALCITRANCIESrecalcitrancies n. Plural of recalcitrancy.
RECALCITRANCY n. the state of being recalcitrant, also RECALCITRANCE.
SEMITRANSLUCENTsemitranslucent adj. Slightly translucent; allowing a small amount of light to pass through.
SEMITRANSLUCENT adj. somewhat translucent.
SEMITRANSPARENTsemitransparent adj. Allowing some visibility but partially clouded or obscured; translucent.
semi-transparent adj. Alternative spelling of semitransparent.
SEMITRANSPARENT adj. imperfectly transparent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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