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There are 14 words containing ITONI

EPITONICepitonic adj. Abnormally tense or tonic; exhibiting an abnormal degree of tension or strain.
EPITONIC adj. overstrained.
TRITONIAtritonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Tritonia of flowering plants in the iris family.
Tritonia prop.n. (Greek mythology) An epithet of the goddess Athena.
Tritonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Iridaceae – flame freesias.
DIGITONINdigitonin n. (Organic chemistry) A glycoside, obtained from Digitalis purpurea, that is used as a detergent and whose…
DIGITONIN n. a steroid saponin occurring in the leaves and seeds of foxglove.
EXCITONICexcitonic adj. Of or pertaining to excitons or excitonics.
EXCITONIC adj. relating to an exciton, an electrically neutral excited crystal state, bound state of electron and hole.
SEMITONICsemitonic adj. Of or pertaining to a semitone.
SEMITONIC adj. of or pertaining to a semitone, also SEMITONAL.
TRITONIAStritonias n. Plural of tritonia.
TRITONIA n. a South African iridaceous plant.
CALCITONINcalcitonin n. (Biochemistry) A polypeptide hormone secreted by the thyroid gland that has the effect of lowering blood calcium.
calcitonin n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic or recombinant form of calcitonin used to treat Paget disease of bone and…
CALCITONIN n. a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, controlling the rate of bone destruction.
DIGITONINSdigitonins n. Plural of digitonin.
DIGITONIN n. a steroid saponin occurring in the leaves and seeds of foxglove.
CALCITONINScalcitonins n. Plural of calcitonin.
CALCITONIN n. a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, controlling the rate of bone destruction.
PERITONITICperitonitic adj. Having or relating to peritonitis.
PERITONITIC adj. of or suffering from peritonitis.
PERITONITISperitonitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the peritoneum, especially when caused by an infectious organism introduced…
PERITONITIS n. inflammation of the peritoneum.
PERITONITISESPERITONITIS n. inflammation of the peritoneum.
SEMITONICALLYsemitonically adv. In a semitonic manner.
SEMITONIC adv. of or pertaining to a semitone, also SEMITONAL.
THYROCALCITONINthyrocalcitonin n. (Biochemistry) Alternative form of calcitonin.
THYROCALCITONIN n. a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, controlling the rate of bone destruction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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