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There are 12 words containing ITIVA

GENITIVALgenitival adj. (Grammar) Having genitive form; pertaining to, or derived from, the genitive case.
genitival n. (Grammar) A genitive.
GENITIVAL adj. relating to the genitive case.
GENITIVALLYgenitivally adv. In a genitival manner.
GENITIVAL adv. relating to the genitive case.
INFINITIVALinfinitival adj. Of, pertaining to, or formed from an infinitive.
infinitival adj. Having a function or usage similar to an infinitive.
INFINITIVAL adj. relating to the infinitive mood.
INFINITIVALLYinfinitivally adv. In an infinitival manner; with regard to the infinitive.
INFINITIVAL adv. relating to the infinitive mood.
TITIVATEtitivate v. To make small improvements or alterations to (One’s appearance etc.); to add some finishing touches…
TITIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITTIVATE.
TITIVATEDtitivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of titivate.
TITIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITTIVATE.
TITIVATEStitivates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of titivate.
TITIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITTIVATE.
TITIVATINGtitivating v. Present participle of titivate.
TITIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITTIVATE.
TITIVATIONtitivation n. Act of titivating.
TITIVATION n. (slang) smartening up, also TIDIVATION, TITTIVATION.
TITIVATIONStitivations n. Plural of titivation.
TITIVATION n. (slang) smartening up, also TIDIVATION, TITTIVATION.
TITIVATORtitivator n. One who titivates.
TITIVATOR n. one who titivates, also TITTIVATOR.
TITIVATORStitivators n. Plural of titivator.
TITIVATOR n. one who titivates, also TITTIVATOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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