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There are 16 words containing ITAGE

DACOITAGEdacoitage n. (Dated) dacoity.
DACOITAGE n. (Hindi) robbery by dacoits, also DACOITY, DAKOITI, DAKOITY.
DACOITAGESDACOITAGE n. (Hindi) robbery by dacoits, also DACOITY, DAKOITI, DAKOITY.
EXPLOITAGEexploitage n. Exploitation.
EXPLOITAGE n. the act of exploiting.
EXPLOITAGESEXPLOITAGE n. the act of exploiting.
FRUITAGEfruitage n. Fruit, collectively.
fruitage n. Product or result of any action, effect, good, or ill.
FRUITAGE n. the process of bearing fruit.
FRUITAGESfruitages n. Plural of fruitage.
FRUITAGE n. the process of bearing fruit.
HERITAGEheritage n. An inheritance; property that may be inherited.
heritage n. A tradition; a practice or set of values that is passed down from preceding generations through families…
heritage n. A birthright; the status acquired by birth, especially of but not exclusive to the firstborn.
HERITAGESheritages n. Plural of heritage.
Heritages prop.n. Plural of Heritage.
HERITAGE n. something that is inherited.
HERMITAGEhermitage n. A house or dwelling where a hermit lives.
hermitage n. A place of seclusion.
hermitage n. A period of seclusion.
HERMITAGEShermitages n. Plural of hermitage.
HERMITAGE n. a hermit's abode.
HOSPITAGEhospitage n. (Obsolete) hospitality.
HOSPITAGE n. (Spenser) hospitality.
HOSPITAGEShospitages n. Plural of hospitage.
HOSPITAGE n. (Spenser) hospitality.
MARITAGEmaritage n. The right of the lord of the fee to dispose of the heiress, later also of the male heir, in marriage.
maritage n. The property bought by the couple upon their marriage under the feudal customs.
maritage n. The fine paid by the vassal to the feudal lord for failing to follow his maritage decision.
MARITAGESmaritages n. Plural of maritage.
MARITAGE n. the right of a feudal superior to arrange the marriage of a vassal's heir.
UNITAGEunitage n. The determination of the amount of something to be regarded as a unit.
unitage n. The amount thus determined.
UNITAGE n. amount in units.
UNITAGESunitages n. Plural of unitage.
UNITAGE n. amount in units.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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