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There are 9 words containing ISONN

CLOISONNAGEcloisonnage n. The process of making cloisonne work.
CLOISONNAGE n. cloisonne work or process.
CLOISONNAGESCLOISONNAGE n. cloisonne work or process.
CLOISONNEcloisonne n. (Metalwork, uncountable) A decorative technique for metalwork, especially brass, whereby colored enamel…
cloisonne n. (Metalwork) Objects decorated by this technique collectively.
cloisonné n. Alternative spelling of cloisonne.
CLOISONNEScloisonnes n. Plural of cloisonne.
cloisonnés n. Plural of cloisonné.
CLOISONNE n. (French) decorative work formed of enamel inlaid in compartments formed by small fillets of metal.
MAISONNETTEMAISONNETTE n. (French) a part of a residential building which is occupied separately, usually on more than one floor, also MAISONETTE.
MAISONNETTESMAISONNETTE n. (French) a part of a residential building which is occupied separately, usually on more than one floor, also MAISONETTE.
RAISONNEraisonné adj. Arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects.
RAISONNE adj. (French) arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects; as, a catalogue raisonne.
RAISONNEURraisonneur n. (Literature) A person in a play or book embodying an author’s viewpoint.
RAISONNEUR n. (French) a person in a play or book embodying the author's viewpoint.
RAISONNEURSraisonneurs n. Plural of raisonneur.
RAISONNEUR n. (French) a person in a play or book embodying the author's viewpoint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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