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There are 13 words containing ISOLE

ISOLEXisolex n. An isogloss indicating where a certain word is used.
ISOLEX n. a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used.
ANISOLEanisole n. (Organic chemistry) The aromatic ether methoxybenzene; it is used in perfumery and in organic synthesis;…
ANISOLE n. a colourless liquid ether.
ISOLEADisolead n. (Rare) On a ballistic graph, a curve used to calculate the trajectory needed to hit a moving target.
ISOLEAD n. a line on a ballistic graph.
ANISOLESanisoles n. Plural of anisole.
ANISOLE n. a colourless liquid ether.
CAMISOLEcamisole n. A short, sleeveless undergarment worn by women underneath a blouse, or as a form of short négligée.
camisole n. (Dated) A straitjacket.
camisole n. (Historical) A light jacket with sleeves.
ISOLEADSisoleads n. Plural of isolead.
ISOLEAD n. a line on a ballistic graph.
ISOLEXESisolexes n. Plural of isolex.
ISOLEX n. a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used.
CAMISOLEScamisoles n. Plural of camisole.
CAMISOLE n. (French) a loose under-bodice with thin shoulder straps instead of sleeves.
ISOLEUCINEisoleucine n. (Biochemistry) An essential amino acid, C6H13NO2, isomeric with leucine, found in most animal proteins.
ISOLEUCINE n. an essential amino acid.
LEVAMISOLElevamisole n. (Organic chemistry) A synthetic imidazothiazole derivative whose hydrochloride is used as an antibiotic.
ISOLECITHALisolecithal adj. (Biology) Having an even distribution of yolk in the cytoplasm.
ISOLECITHAL adj. of the ova of mammals and some other vertebrates, having the yolk distributed evenly through the protoplasm.
ISOLEUCINESisoleucines n. Plural of isoleucine.
ISOLEUCINE n. an essential amino acid.
LEVAMISOLESlevamisoles n. Plural of levamisole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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