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There are 20 words containing ISOLA

ANTISOLARantisolar adj. (Astronomy) opposite to the sun (from the Earth).
ANTISOLAR adj. opposite to the sun, said of the point in the heavens 180 degrees distant from the sun.
ISOLABLEisolable adj. Able to be isolated.
ISOLABLE adj. capable of being isolated, or of being obtained in a pure state; as, gold is isolable.
ISOLATABLEISOLATABLE adj. that can be isolated.
ISOLATEisolate v. (Transitive) To set apart or cut off from others.
isolate v. (Transitive) To place in quarantine or isolation.
isolate v. (Transitive, chemistry) To separate a substance in pure form from a mixture.
ISOLATEDisolated adj. Placed or standing apart or alone; in isolation.
isolated adj. Happening or occurring only once.
isolated adj. (Chess, of a pawn) Such that no pawn of the same color is in an adjacent file.
ISOLATESisolates n. Plural of isolate.
isolates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of isolate.
ISOLATE v. to set apart from others.
ISOLATINGisolating v. Present participle of isolate.
isolating adj. (Linguistics, of languages) having low morpheme per word ratio and no inflectional morpheme.
ISOLATE v. to set apart from others.
ISOLATIONisolation n. (Chiefly uncountable) The state of being isolated, detached, or separated; the state of being away from other people.
isolation n. The act of isolating.
isolation n. (Diplomacy, of a country) The state of not having diplomatic relations with other countries (either…
ISOLATIONISMisolationism n. A national (or group) policy of non-interaction with other nations (or groups).
ISOLATIONISM n. a policy of national isolation by abstention from alliances and other international political and economic relations.
ISOLATIONISMSisolationisms n. Plural of isolationism.
ISOLATIONISM n. a policy of national isolation by abstention from alliances and other international political and economic relations.
ISOLATIONISTisolationist adj. Relating to, or supporting, isolationism.
isolationist n. One who advocates or supports isolationism.
ISOLATIONIST n. a believer in isolationism.
ISOLATIONISTSisolationists n. Plural of isolationist.
ISOLATIONIST n. a believer in isolationism.
ISOLATIONSisolations n. Plural of isolation.
ISOLATION n. the state of being apart, isolated.
ISOLATIVEisolative adj. Relating to, characterized by, or causing isolation.
ISOLATIVE adj. tending towards isolation.
ISOLATORisolator n. An electrical device that detects short circuits and isolates them.
isolator n. A device that isolates something from the surrounding environment to keep it sterile.
isolator n. A transparent box for holding small live animals.
ISOLATORSisolators n. Plural of isolator.
ISOLATOR n. one who, or that which, isolates.
LUNISOLARlunisolar adj. (Of a calendar) Based on both the lunar month and the solar year.
lunisolar adj. Pertaining to or caused by both the moon and the sun.
LUNISOLAR adj. relating jointly to the moon and sun.
POSTISOLATIONpostisolation adj. Occurring after a period of isolation.
POSTISOLATION adj. following a period of isolation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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