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There are 10 words containing ISMUS

LARYNGISMUSlaryngismus n. (Medicine) A spasmodic state of the glottis, giving rise to contraction or closure of the opening; laryngospasm.
LARYNGISMUS n. spasm of the larynx.
LARYNGISMUSESLARYNGISMUS n. spasm of the larynx.
PSELLISMUSpsellismus n. Alternative form of psellism.
PSELLISMUS n. a defect in articulation or pronunciation, also PSELLISM.
PSELLISMUSESPSELLISMUS n. a defect in articulation or pronunciation, also PSELLISM.
STRABISMUSstrabismus n. A defect of vision in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an object because of imbalance of…
STRABISMUS n. a squint, also STRABISM.
STRABISMUSESstrabismuses n. Plural of strabismus.
STRABISMUS n. a squint, also STRABISM.
TRISMUStrismus n. The inability to open the mouth normally, typically as a result of disease.
TRISMUS n. (Latin) a tetanic spasm of the muscles of the jaw, aka lockjaw.
TRISMUSESTRISMUS n. (Latin) a tetanic spasm of the muscles of the jaw, aka lockjaw.
VAGINISMUSvaginismus n. (Pathology) A painful muscular contraction of the vagina when attempting to insert something, such as…
VAGINISMUS n. a painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.
VAGINISMUSESvaginismuses n. Plural of vaginismus.
VAGINISMUS n. a painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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