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There are 12 words containing ISABI

DISABILITYdisability n. State of being disabled; deprivation or want of ability; absence of competent physical, intellectual…
disability n. A mental condition causing a difficulty with an intellectual task.
disability n. (Disability theory) An inability imposed on a person by society’s failure to accommodate their physical…
ADVISABILITYadvisability n. (Uncountable) The quality of being advisable or prudent.
advisability n. (Countable) An instance of advisability; a consideration in determining overall advisability.
ADVISABILITY n. the quality of being advisable.
DISABILITIESdisabilities n. Plural of disability.
DISABILITY n. the condition of being disabled.
REALISABILITYrealisability n. Alternative spelling of realizability.
REALISABILITY n. the quality of being realisable, also REALIZABILITY.
ADVISABILITIESadvisabilities n. Plural of advisability.
ADVISABILITY n. the quality of being advisable.
INADVISABILITYinadvisability n. The quality or state of being inadvisable.
INADVISABILITY n. the state of being inadvisable.
LOCALISABILITYLOCALISABILITY n. the state of being localisable, also LOCALIZABILITY.
ORGANISABILITYorganisability n. Alternative form of organizability.
ORGANISABILITY n. the quality of being organisable, also ORGANIZABILITY.
POLARISABILITYpolarisability n. Alternative spelling of polarizability.
POLARISABILITY n. the ability to be polarised.
HYPNOTISABILITYhypnotisability n. Alternative spelling of hypnotizability.
HYPNOTISABILITY n. the quality of being hypnotisable, also HYPNOTIZABILITY.
REALISABILITIESrealisabilities n. Plural of realisability.
REALISABILITY n. the quality of being realisable, also REALIZABILITY.
RECOGNISABILITYrecognisability n. The quality of being recognisable.
RECOGNISABILITY n. the quality of being recognisable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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