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There are 13 words containing IPOLL

CIPOLLINOcipollino n. Alternative form of cipolin (“type of marble”).
CIPOLLINO n. (Italian) a kind of white marble streaked with green, also CIPOLIN.
DODDIPOLLdoddipoll n. Alternative form of dodipoll.
DODDIPOLL n. (obsolete) a blockhead, also DODDYPOLL.
CIPOLLINOScipollinos n. Plural of cipollino.
CIPOLLINO n. (Italian) a kind of white marble streaked with green, also CIPOLIN.
DODDIPOLLSdoddipolls n. Plural of doddipoll.
DODDIPOLL n. (obsolete) a blockhead, also DODDYPOLL.
EQUIPOLLENTequipollent adj. Having equal power or force.
equipollent adj. (Logic, of each of two statements) able to be deduced from the other.
equipollent adj. Equivalent.
EQUIPOLLENCEequipollence n. The condition of being equipollent; equality of power, force, signification, or application.
equipollence n. (Logic) Sameness of signification of two or more propositions which differ in language.
EQUIPOLLENCE n. the quality of being equipollent, also EQUIPOLLENCY.
EQUIPOLLENCYequipollency n. Alternative form of equipollence.
EQUIPOLLENCY n. equality of force or power, also EQUIPOLLENCE.
EQUIPOLLENTSequipollents n. Plural of equipollent.
EQUIPOLLENT n. something of equal power.
ANTIPOLLUTIONantipollution n. Anything that helps the environment by reducing pollution.
antipollution adj. Reducing or opposing pollution.
ANTIPOLLUTION adj. designed to prevent or reduce pollution.
EQUIPOLLENCESequipollences n. Plural of equipollence.
EQUIPOLLENCE n. the quality of being equipollent, also EQUIPOLLENCY.
EQUIPOLLENTLYequipollently adv. With equal power.
EQUIPOLLENT adv. having equal power or force.
ANTIPOLLUTIONSANTIPOLLUTION n. a measure designed to prevent pollution.
EQUIPOLLENCIESEQUIPOLLENCY n. equality of force or power, also EQUIPOLLENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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