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There are 14 words containing IOCIN

NOVOBIOCINnovobiocin n. An aminocoumarin antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces niveus.
NOVOBIOCIN n. an antimicrobial drug used in some cases of staphylococcic or urinary tract infection.
BACTERIOCINbacteriocin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of antibiotic toxins, produced by some bacteria, that target closely related bacteria.
BACTERIOCIN n. an antibiotic (as colicin) produced by bacteria.
NOVOBIOCINSnovobiocins n. Plural of novobiocin.
NOVOBIOCIN n. an antimicrobial drug used in some cases of staphylococcic or urinary tract infection.
RATIOCINATEratiocinate v. To use the powers of the mind logically and methodically; to reason.
RATIOCINATE v. to reason or argue logically.
BACTERIOCINSbacteriocins n. Plural of bacteriocin.
BACTERIOCIN n. an antibiotic (as colicin) produced by bacteria.
RATIOCINATEDratiocinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ratiocinate.
RATIOCINATE v. to reason or argue logically.
RATIOCINATESratiocinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ratiocinate.
RATIOCINATE v. to reason or argue logically.
RATIOCINATORratiocinator n. One who ratiocinates; a reasoner.
RATIOCINATOR n. one who ratiocinates, reasons or argues logically.
RATIOCINATINGratiocinating v. Present participle of ratiocinate.
RATIOCINATE v. to reason or argue logically.
RATIOCINATIONratiocination n. Reasoning, conscious deliberate inference; the activity or process of reasoning.
ratiocination n. Thought or reasoning that is exact, valid and rational.
ratiocination n. A proposition arrived at by such thought.
RATIOCINATIVEratiocinative adj. Pertaining to or characterized by ratiocination, discursive thinking, or inferential knowledge.
RATIOCINATIVE adj. relating to ratiocination, the process of exact thinking.
RATIOCINATORSratiocinators n. Plural of ratiocinator.
RATIOCINATOR n. one who ratiocinates, reasons or argues logically.
RATIOCINATORYratiocinatory adj. Ratiocinative.
RATIOCINATORY adj. relating to ratiocination, the process of exact thinking.
RATIOCINATIONSratiocinations n. Plural of ratiocination.
RATIOCINATION n. the process of exact thinking, reasoning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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