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There are 8 words containing INLAN

INLANDinland adj. Within the land; relatively remote from the ocean or from open water; interior.
inland adj. Limited to the land, or to inland routes; within the seashore boundary; not passing on, or over, the sea.
inland adj. Confined to a country or state; domestic; not foreign.
INLANDERinlander n. Someone who lives inland.
INLANDER n. one living inland.
INLANDERSinlanders n. Plural of inlander.
INLANDER n. one living inland.
INLANDSinlands n. Plural of inland.
INLAND n. the interior of a country.
MAINLANDmainland n. The continent; the principal land, as distinguished from islands or a peninsula.
mainland n. The principal island of a group.
Mainland prop.n. The largest island in the Orkney Islands council area, to the north of Scotland.
MAINLANDERmainlander n. Someone who lives on the mainland.
mainlander n. A person from mainland China, as opposed to someone from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.
mainlander n. Someone who lives in mainland Europe, as opposed to the British Isles.
MAINLANDERSmainlanders n. Plural of mainlander.
Mainlanders n. Plural of Mainlander.
MAINLANDER n. one who lives on the mainland.
MAINLANDSmainlands n. Plural of mainland.
MAINLAND n. a principal land mass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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