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There are 9 words containing INFAR

BRAINFARTbrainfart n. Alternative form of brain fart.
brain-fart n. Alternative form of brain fart.
brain␣fart n. (Figuratively, slang, mildly vulgar) Something ill-considered and said or done impulsively.
BRAINFARTSbrainfarts n. Plural of brainfart.
brain-farts n. Plural of brain-fart.
brain␣farts n. Plural of brain fart.
INFARCTinfarct n. (Pathology) An area of dead tissue caused by a loss of blood supply; a localized necrosis.
INFARCT n. a portion of dead and scarred tissue in an organ resulting from congestion or blockage of a blood vessel serving it.
INFARCTEDinfarcted adj. Affected by infarcts.
INFARCTED adj. affected by infarction, necrosis.
INFARCTIONinfarction n. (Pathology) The process which causes an infarct.
infarction n. (Pathology) An infarct (an area of ischemic necrosis)..
INFARCTION n. necrosis, the death of tissues due to the blocking of (esp. the arterial) blood supply.
INFARCTIONSinfarctions n. Plural of infarction.
INFARCTION n. necrosis, the death of tissues due to the blocking of (esp. the arterial) blood supply.
INFARCTSinfarcts n. Plural of infarct.
INFARCT n. a portion of dead and scarred tissue in an organ resulting from congestion or blockage of a blood vessel serving it.
INFAREinfare n. (Scotland, US) A party or other celebration held to mark someone’s entrance into a new home, especially…
INFARE n. a housewarming after a wedding.
INFARESinfares n. Plural of infare.
INFARE n. a housewarming after a wedding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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