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There are 14 words containing INERY

BIOREFINERYbiorefinery n. (Uncountable) the coproduction of a range of biologically-based products (food, feed, materials, chemicals)…
biorefinery n. (Countable) a facility that carries out such production.
CORDWAINERYcordwainery n. Shoemaking.
CORDWAINERY n. (archaic) the craft of shoemaking.
ENGINERYenginery n. (Archaic) Machinery made up of engines; instruments of war.
enginery n. (Archaic) The act or art of managing engines, or artillery.
enginery n. (Archaic) Any device or contrivance; machinery; structure or arrangement.
FINERYfinery n. (Obsolete) Fineness; beauty.
finery n. (Countable) Ornament; decoration; especially, excessive decoration; showy clothes; jewels.
finery n. Fine point; minute characteristic.
JOINERYjoinery n. A factory producing wooden products such as tables, doors, and cabinets.
joinery n. The work of the joiner.
JOINERY n. the trade of a joiner.
MACHINERYmachinery n. The machines constituting a production apparatus, in a plant etc., collectively.
machinery n. The working parts of a machine as a group.
machinery n. The collective parts of something which allow it to function.
MILLINERYmillinery n. Women’s hats.
millinery n. (Countable) A shop selling women’s hats.
millinery n. (Uncountable) The business and work that a milliner engages in.
PENGUINERYpenguinery n. (Zoology) A breeding place, or rookery, of penguins.
PENGUINERY n. a breeding place, or rookery, of penguins, also PENGUINRY.
PINERYpinery n. A hothouse or (tropical) area used as a plantation for the cultivation of pineapple plants (genus Ananas)…
pinery n. A pinewood, pinetum, forest or grove where pine trees are grown.
PINERY n. an area where pineapples are grown.
REFINERYrefinery n. A building, or a mass of machinery, used to produce refined products such as sugar, oil, or metals.
REFINERY n. a place where crude material is refined.
SWINERYswinery n. A piggery.
SWINERY n. a place where pigs are kept.
TURBOMACHINERYturbomachinery n. Turbomachines collectively.
TURBOMACHINERY n. machinery consisting of, incorporating, or constituting a turbine.
VINERYvinery n. A vineyard.
vinery n. (Obsolete) A structure, usually enclosed with glass, for rearing and protecting vines; a grapery.
VINERY n. a place in which grapevines are grown.
WINERYwinery n. A place where wine is made, or a company that makes wine.
WINERY n. a place where wine is made.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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