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There are 14 words containing INDOC

INDOCIBLEindocible adj. Incapable of being taught, or not easily instructed; dull in intellect; intractable.
INDOCIBLE adj. incapable of being taught, or not easily instructed.
INDOCILEindocile adj. Unwilling to be taught or instructed; intractable or recalcitrant.
INDOCILE adj. not docile, also UNDOCILE.
INDOCILITIESindocilities n. Plural of indocility.
INDOCILITY n. the quality of being indocile.
INDOCILITYindocility n. The quality or condition of being indocile.
INDOCILITY n. the quality of being indocile.
INDOCTRINATEindoctrinate v. To teach with a biased, one-sided or uncritical ideology; to brainwash.
indoctrinate v. (Obsolete) To teach; to instruct.
INDOCTRINATE v. to instruct esp. in fundamentals or rudiments.
INDOCTRINATEDindoctrinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of indoctrinate.
INDOCTRINATE v. to instruct esp. in fundamentals or rudiments.
INDOCTRINATESindoctrinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of indoctrinate.
INDOCTRINATE v. to instruct esp. in fundamentals or rudiments.
INDOCTRINATINGindoctrinating v. Present participle of indoctrinate.
INDOCTRINATE v. to instruct esp. in fundamentals or rudiments.
INDOCTRINATIONindoctrination n. The act of indoctrinating, or the condition of being indoctrinated.
indoctrination n. Instruction in the rudiments and principles of any science or belief system; information.
INDOCTRINATION n. the act of indoctrinating.
INDOCTRINATIONSindoctrinations n. Plural of indoctrination.
INDOCTRINATION n. the act of indoctrinating.
INDOCTRINATORindoctrinator n. One who indoctrinates.
INDOCTRINATOR n. one who indoctrinates.
INDOCTRINATORSindoctrinators n. Plural of indoctrinator.
INDOCTRINATOR n. one who indoctrinates.
WINDOCKWINDOCK n. (Scots) a window, also WINDORE, WINNOCK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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