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There are 14 words containing IMONO

KIMONOkimono n. A traditional Japanese T-shaped, wrapped-front garment with square sleeves and a rectangular body, now…
kimono n. (Loosely) A yukata.
kimono n. A long robe-like garment in Western fashion, which may be open at the front, loosely inspired by the Japanese garment.
KIMONOSkimonos n. Plural of kimono.
KIMONO n. (Japanese) a traditional Japanese costume.
OKIMONOokimono n. A Japanese ornament or decorative object.
OKIMONO n. (Japanese) a Japanese ornament.
KIMONOEDkimonoed adj. Wearing a kimono.
KIMONOED adj. wearing a kimono.
MAKIMONOmakimono n. A type of Japanese hand scroll which unrolls horizontally, or laterally on a flat surface.
makimono n. Rolled sushi; makizushi.
MAKIMONO n. (Japanese) a Japanese ornamental scroll.
OKIMONOSokimonos n. Plural of okimono.
OKIMONO n. (Japanese) a Japanese ornament.
YAKIMONOyakimono n. Grilled or broiled dishes in Japanese cuisine.
YAKIMONO n. (Japanese) in Japanese cookery, grilled food, a grilled dish.
MAKIMONOSmakimonos n. Plural of makimono.
MAKIMONO n. (Japanese) a Japanese ornamental scroll.
YAKIMONOSYAKIMONO n. (Japanese) in Japanese cookery, grilled food, a grilled dish.
ANTIMONOUSantimonous adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Alternative form of antimonious.
ANTIMONOUS adj. of or containing antimony in the trivalent state.
ANTIMONOPOLYantimonopoly adj. (Law) Usually with respect to laws or policies: in opposition to the creation or continuance of a monopoly.
ANTIMONOPOLY adj. opposed to monopoly.
ANTIMONOPOLIESSorry, definition not available.
ANTIMONOPOLISTantimonopolist n. (Economy) One who opposes monopolies.
ANTIMONOPOLIST n. one opposed to monopolies.
ANTIMONOPOLISTSantimonopolists n. Plural of antimonopolist.
ANTIMONOPOLIST n. one opposed to monopolies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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