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There are 14 words containing IMISM

ANIMISManimism n. A belief that spirits inhabit some or all classes of natural objects or phenomena.
animism n. A belief that an immaterial force animates the universe.
animism n. (Dated) A doctrine that animal life is produced by an immaterial spirit.
ANIMISMSanimisms n. Plural of animism.
ANIMISM n. the attribution of a soul to natural objects and phenomena.
INTIMISMintimism n. (Art) A genre of art (or literature) involving the depiction of quiet, domestic scenes, usually of domestic interiors.
INTIMISM n. a genre of French impressionist painting of the early 20th century.
MINIMISMMINIMISM n. the inclination to reduce a dogma to the least possible.
OPTIMISMoptimism n. A tendency to expect the best, or at least, a favourable outcome.
optimism n. The doctrine that this world is the best of all possible worlds.
optimism n. The belief that good will eventually triumph over evil.
INTIMISMSintimisms n. Plural of intimism.
INTIMISM n. a genre of French impressionist painting of the early 20th century.
MINIMISMSMINIMISM n. the inclination to reduce a dogma to the least possible.
OPTIMISMSoptimisms n. Plural of optimism.
OPTIMISM n. a disposition that looks on the sunny side.
PESSIMISMpessimism n. A general belief that bad things will happen.
pessimism n. The doctrine that this world is the worst of all possible worlds.
pessimism n. (Computing) The condition of being pessimal.
LEGITIMISMlegitimism n. The principles or plans of legitimists.
LEGITIMISM n. adherence to the principles of political legitimacy or to a person claiming legitimacy.
PESSIMISMSpessimisms n. Plural of pessimism.
PESSIMISM n. a tendency to look on the dark side of things.
LEGITIMISMSlegitimisms n. Plural of legitimism.
LEGITIMISM n. adherence to the principles of political legitimacy or to a person claiming legitimacy.
OVEROPTIMISMoveroptimism n. Excessive optimism.
OVEROPTIMISM n. excessive optimism.
OVEROPTIMISMSoveroptimisms n. Plural of overoptimism.
OVEROPTIMISM n. excessive optimism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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