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There are 14 words containing ILENT

SILENTsilent adj. Free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet.
silent adj. Not speaking; indisposed to talk; speechless; mute; taciturn; not loquacious; not talkative.
silent adj. Keeping at rest; inactive; calm; undisturbed.
SILENTSsilents n. Plural of silent.
SILENT n. a silent film.
SILENTERsilenter adj. Comparative form of silent: more silent.
SILENT adj. without sound.
SILENTLYsilently adv. In a silent manner; making no noise.
silently adv. Of an edit or change to a text, without explicit acknowledgment.
SILENT adv. without sound.
UNSILENTunsilent adj. Not silent.
UNSILENT adj. not silent.
PESTILENTpestilent adj. Highly injurious or destructive to life: deadly.
pestilent adj. (Informal) Annoying.
pestilent adj. (Archaic) Harmful to morals or public order.
SILENTESTsilentest adj. Superlative form of silent: most silent.
SILENT adj. without sound.
SILENTIARYsilentiary n. A person who keeps silent, especially from religious motives.
silentiary n. (Historical) An official at any of several courts who maintained silence.
SILENTIARY n. a person maintaining or bound to silence.
SILENTNESSsilentness n. (Archaic or nonstandard) silence.
SILENTNESS n. the state of being silent.
PESTILENTLYpestilently adv. In a pestilent manner.
PESTILENT adv. deadly, producing pestilence.
PESTILENTIALpestilential adj. Of or relating to pestilence or plague.
pestilential adj. (Figurative) Having a harmful moral effect (especially one that is believed to spread in the manner of pestilence).
pestilential adj. (Figurative) Causing irritation or annoyance.
SILENTIARIESsilentiaries n. Plural of silentiary.
SILENTIARY n. a person maintaining or bound to silence.
SILENTNESSESsilentnesses n. Plural of silentness.
SILENTNESS n. the state of being silent.
PESTILENTIALLYpestilentially adv. In a pestilential manner; with pestilence.
PESTILENTIAL adv. causing or tending to cause pestilence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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