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There are 14 words containing IGAMI

BIGAMIESbigamies n. Plural of bigamy.
BIGAMY n. the crime of being married to two people at once.
BIGAMISTbigamist n. One who practices bigamy.
BIGAMIST n. a person who commits bigamy.
BIGAMISTSbigamists n. Plural of bigamist.
BIGAMIST n. a person who commits bigamy.
DIGAMIESdigamies n. Plural of digamy.
DIGAMY n. a second legal marriage.
DIGAMISTdigamist n. One who marries a second time; a deuterogamist.
DIGAMIST n. one who marries for the second time.
DIGAMISTSdigamists n. Plural of digamist.
DIGAMIST n. one who marries for the second time.
EPIGAMICepigamic adj. (Zoology) Attractive to the opposite sex.
EPIGAMIC adj. of or relating to a trait or behavior that attracts a mate e.g. big antlers.
KIRIGAMIkirigami n. An art similar to origami, with cutting permitted.
KIRIGAMI n. (Japanese) the art of folding and cutting paper.
KIRIGAMISKIRIGAMI n. (Japanese) the art of folding and cutting paper.
ORIGAMIorigami n. (Uncountable) The Japanese art of paper folding.
origami n. (Countable) A piece of art made by folding paper.
origami n. (Uncountable) The materials science technology that applies the art of origami to products.
ORIGAMISorigamis n. Plural of origami.
ORIGAMI n. (Japanese) the art of paper folding.
TRIGAMIEStrigamies n. Plural of trigamy.
TRIGAMY n. having three legal spouses.
TRIGAMISTtrigamist n. A person who has three spouses; someone who commits trigamy.
trigamist n. A person who has a third marriage.
TRIGAMIST n. one who has been married three times; also, one who has three husbands or three wives at the same time.
TRIGAMISTStrigamists n. Plural of trigamist.
TRIGAMIST n. one who has been married three times; also, one who has three husbands or three wives at the same time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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