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There are 13 words containing ICERO

CICEROcicero n. (Typography, Continental printing) The Continental equivalent of the English pica: a measure of 12 Didot…
Cicero prop.n. The Roman statesman and orator Mārcus Tullius Cicerō (106–43 BC).
Cicero prop.n. A surname.
CICERONEcicerone n. A guide who accompanies visitors and sightseers to museums, galleries, etc., and explains matters of…
cicerone v. (Transitive, intransitive, archaic) To show (somebody) the sights, acting as a tourist guide.
CICERONE n. (Italian) a guide escorting tourists, sightseers.
CICERONEDciceroned v. Simple past tense and past participle of cicerone.
CICERONE v. to act as a guide.
CICERONEINGCICERONE v. to act as a guide.
CICERONEScicerones n. Plural of cicerone.
CICERONE v. to act as a guide.
CICERONIciceroni n. Plural of cicerone.
CICERONE n. (Italian) a guide escorting tourists, sightseers.
CICEROSciceros n. Plural of cicero.
CICERO n. a printing measure.
VICEROYviceroy n. One who governs a country, province, or colony as the representative of a monarch.
viceroy n. A zongdu.
viceroy n. An orange and black North American butterfly (Limenitis archippus), so named because it is similar to…
VICEROYALTIESviceroyalties n. Plural of viceroyalty.
VICEROYALTY n. the office of viceroy, also VICEROYSHIP.
VICEROYALTYviceroyalty n. The office or term of service of a viceroy; viceroydom.
viceroyalty n. The place governed by a viceroy.
VICEROYALTY n. the office of viceroy, also VICEROYSHIP.
VICEROYSviceroys n. Plural of viceroy.
VICEROY n. one who rules as the representative of a sovereign.
VICEROYSHIPviceroyship n. The office or term of a viceroy.
VICEROYSHIP n. the office of viceroy, also VICEROYALTY.
VICEROYSHIPSviceroyships n. Plural of viceroyship.
VICEROYSHIP n. the office of viceroy, also VICEROYALTY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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