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There are 13 words containing ICELE

ICELESSiceless adj. Without ice.
ICELESS adj. without ice.
JUICELESSjuiceless adj. Without juice or sap.
juiceless adj. Dry, dull; lacking vivacity or spirit.
JUICELESS adj. without juice.
PRICELESSpriceless adj. So precious as not to be sold at any price; invaluable.
priceless adj. Treasured; held in high regard.
priceless adj. (Informal, often ironic) Excellent, wonderful, fantastic.
PRICELESSLYpricelessly adv. In a priceless way.
PRICELESS adv. beyond price.
PRICELESSNESSpricelessness n. The state or condition of being priceless; very high value.
PRICELESS n. beyond price.
SERVICELESSserviceless adj. Without any service.
SERVICELESS adj. without service.
SPICELESSspiceless adj. Devoid of spice.
SPICELESS adj. without spices.
VICELESSviceless adj. Without vice.
VICELESS adj. having no immoral habits.
VOICELESSvoiceless adj. Lacking a voice, without vocal sound.
voiceless adj. (Figurative) Without a vote; having no input into a decision.
voiceless adj. (Phonetics, of a consonant or vowel) Spoken without vibration of the vocal cords; unvoiced, surd, breathed…
VOICELESSLYvoicelessly adv. In a voiceless manner.
VOICELESS adv. without a voice.
VOICELESSNESSvoicelessness n. The condition of being voiceless.
VOICELESSNESS n. the state of being voiceless.
VOICELESSNESSESVOICELESSNESS n. the state of being voiceless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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