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There are 16 nine-letter words containing IVELY

ABUSIVELYabusively adv. In an abusive manner; rudely; with abusive language.
ABUSIVE adv. in the manner of wrong or improper use.
AMATIVELYamatively adv. In an amative manner.
AMATIVE adv. strongly moved by love esp. sexual love.
COSTIVELYcostively adv. In a costive manner.
COSTIVE adv. affected with constipation, causing constipation.
CURSIVELYcursively adv. In a cursive manner.
CURSIVE adv. with flowing characteristics.
ELUSIVELYelusively adv. In an elusive manner.
ELUSIVE adv. tending to elude.
EMOTIVELYemotively adv. In an emotive way.
EMOTIVE adv. pertaining to emotion.
EVASIVELYevasively adv. In an evasive manner.
EVASIVE adv. tending to evade.
FESTIVELYfestively adv. In a festive manner.
FESTIVE adv. befitting a festival.
FICTIVELYfictively adv. In a fictive manner.
FICTIVE adv. feigned; counterfeit.
FURTIVELYfurtively adv. In a furtive manner.
FURTIVE adv. stolen; obtained or characterized by stealth.
MASSIVELYmassively adv. In a massive manner, in a way that appears large, heavy or imposing.
massively adv. (Slang) Greatly.
MASSIVE adv. of great size.
PASSIVELYpassively adv. In a passive manner; without conscious or self-directed action.
passively adv. In an acquiescent manner; resignedly or submissively.
passively adv. (Grammar) In the passive voice; having a passive construction.
PENSIVELYpensively adv. In a thoughtful or reflective manner.
PENSIVE adv. engaged in deep thought.
RESTIVELYrestively adv. In a restive manner.
RESTIVE adv. uneasy, as if ready to break from control.
SUASIVELYsuasively adv. In a suasive manner.
SUASIVE adv. persuasive.
UNITIVELYunitively adv. In a unitive manner.
UNITIVE adv. serving to unite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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