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There are 16 nine-letter words containing INISM

ACTINISMSactinisms n. Plural of actinism.
ACTINISM n. the property of radiant energy that effects chemical changes.
ALBINISMSalbinisms n. Plural of albinism.
ALBINISM n. the condition of being an albino.
ALPINISMSalpinisms n. Plural of alpinism.
ALPINISM n. the sport of climbing alpine peaks.
BROMINISMbrominism n. Bromism.
BROMINISM n. poisoning by an overdose of bromine, also BROMISM.
COCAINISMcocainism n. Cocaine addiction.
COCAINISM n. a morbid condition caused by addiction to cocaine.
CRETINISMcretinism n. (Pathology) A condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to the untreated congenital…
CRETINISM n. a congenital deficiency of thyroxine (thyroid hormone) which, if untreated, can lead to mental retardation and incomplete physical development.
DICLINISMdiclinism n. (Botany) The state of having stamens or pistils in separate flowers.
DICLINISM n. the state of having two stamens and pistils, also DICLINY.
FEMINISMSfeminisms n. Plural of feminism.
FEMINISM n. advocacy of woman's rights.
HEROINISMheroinism n. The qualities of a heroine or the display of those qualities; heroism performed by a female.
heroinism n. Heroin addiction.
HEROINISM n. addiction to heroin.
LUMINISMSLUMINISM n. a style of realist landscape painting.
RABBINISMRabbinism n. (Dated) Rabbinic Judaism.
Rabbinism n. A characteristically rabbinical word or phrase.
RABBINISM n. a rabbinic expression or phraseology; a peculiarity of the language of the rabbins.
ROUTINISMroutinism n. Prevalence of, or domination by, routine.
ROUTINISM n. the practice of doing things with undiscriminating, mechanical regularity.
TERMINISMterminism n. (Theology) The Christian doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance from sin, after which God…
TERMINISM n. the doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance.
UNDINISMSUNDINISM n. a preoccupation with water.
VOLTINISMvoltinism n. (Biology) The number of broods or generations of an organism in one year.
VOLTINISM n. the number of broods typically produced per year by a population of a particular insect species.
VULPINISMvulpinism n. The quality of being cunning like the fox; artfulness.
VULPINISM n. foxlike cunning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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