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There are 19 nine-letter words containing INDER

ATTAINDERattainder n. (Law, rare) The state a prisoner enters once a death sentence (usually for treason) had been issued;…
attainder n. (Obsolete) A stain; a state of dishonour or condemnation.
ATTAINDER n. the loss of civil rights, formerly a result of outlawry or a death sentence.
BINDERIESbinderies n. Plural of bindery.
BINDERY n. a place where books are bound.
CINDERIERCINDERY adj. having the nature of cinders.
CINDERINGcindering v. Present participle of cinder.
CINDER v. to reduce to ashes.
CINDEROUScinderous adj. Relating to, or composed of cinders; cindery.
CINDEROUS adj. having the nature of cinders.
CYLINDERScylinders n. Plural of cylinder.
cylinders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cylinder.
CYLINDER v. to provide with a tubular chamber.
ENJOINDERenjoinder n. A request or demand from an authority.
ENJOINDER n. an order.
FLINDEREDflindered v. Simple past tense and past participle of flinder.
FLINDER v. to break to pieces.
HINDERERShinderers n. Plural of hinderer.
Hinderers prop.n. Plural of Hinderer.
HINDERER n. one who hinders.
HINDERINGhindering v. Present participle of hinder.
hindering adj. Harmful; of or relating to that which hinders.
HINDERING adj. impeding.
NETMINDERnetminder n. (Journalism, sports) A goalkeeper or goaltender.
net␣minder n. (Ice hockey) goalkeeper, player whose role it is to defend the goal.
NETMINDER n. a goalkeeper.
REJOINDERrejoinder n. (Law) The defendant’s answer to the replication.
rejoinder n. A response that answers another response.
rejoinder n. A quick response that involves disagreement or is witty, especially an answer to a question.
REMAINDERremainder n. A part or parts remaining after some has/have been removed.
remainder n. (Mathematics) The amount left over after subtracting the divisor as many times as possible from the…
remainder n. (Mathematics) The number left over after a simple subtraction.
REMINDERSreminders n. Plural of reminder.
REMINDER n. something that serves to remind.
RESCINDERrescinder n. One who rescinds.
RESCINDER n. one who rescinds.
REWINDERSrewinders n. Plural of rewinder.
REWINDER n. one who rewinds.
TINDERBOXtinderbox n. (Historical) A small container containing flint, steel, and tinder (dry, finely-divided fibrous matter)…
tinderbox n. (By extension) A place that is so dry and hot that there is danger of fire.
tinderbox n. (Figurative) A potentially dangerous situation.
TINDERIERTINDERY adj. like tinder.
UNWINDERSunwinders n. Plural of unwinder.
UNWINDER n. one who unwinds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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