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There are 14 nine-letter words containing ILLAS

CABRILLAScabrillas n. Plural of cabrilla.
CABRILLA n. (Spanish) a name applied to various species of edible fishes of the genus Serranus.
COQUILLAScoquillas n. Plural of coquilla.
COQUILLA n. (Spanish) the nut of the piassava palm, whose mottled dark brown endosperm is used by button-makers and turners.
FLOTILLASflotillas n. Plural of flotilla.
FLOTILLA n. a fleet of ships.
GUERILLASguerillas n. Plural of guerilla.
GUERILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERRILLA.
HYDRILLAShydrillas n. Plural of hydrilla.
HYDRILLA n. an aquatic plant used as an oxygenator in aquaria and pools.
MANTILLASmantillas n. Plural of mantilla.
Mantillas prop.n. Plural of Mantilla.
MANTILLA n. (Spanish) a veil covering the head and shoulders.
ORCHILLASORCHILLA n. a red dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHELLA, ORCHIL, ORSEILLE.
PAILLASSEpaillasse n. (Chiefly Britain) An under bed or mattress of straw.
PAILLASSE n. (French) a hard straw mattress, also PALLIASSE.
RACHILLASrachillas n. Plural of rachilla.
RACHILLA n. (Greek) the central stalk or axis of a grass spikelet, also RHACHILLA.
RAMTILLASRAMTILLA n. (Bengali) a plant of the Indian subcontinent, cultivated for the oil pressed from the seeds, also RAMTIL.
SALSILLASSALSILLA n. a tropical plant.
TEQUILLAStequillas n. Plural of tequilla.
TEQUILLA n. a Mexican alcoholic drink made from the agave plant, also TEQUILA.
TOQUILLAStoquillas n. Plural of toquilla.
TOQUILLA n. (Spanish) a South American palmlike tree; a fibre obtained from its leaves.
TORTILLAStortillas n. Plural of tortilla.
TORTILLA n. (Spanish) an unleavened cake, as of maize flour, baked on a heated iron or stone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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