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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing ITANT

EQUITANTequitant adj. Mounted on, or sitting upon, a horse; riding on horseback.
equitant adj. (Botany) Overlapping at the base.
EQUITANT adj. of leaves, folded lengthwise over succeeding leaves.
EXCITANTexcitant adj. Exciting; stimulating.
excitant n. Something that excites or stimulates; a stimulant.
EXCITANT n. a stimulant.
HABITANThabitant n. (Canada) a member of habitation colony at Stadacona founded by Samuel de Champlain, where Quebec City now lies.
habitant n. (Archaic) Inhabitant, dweller.
HABITANT n. (French) a French native of Louisiana or Carolina, also HABITAN.
HESITANThesitant adj. Tending to hesitate, wait, or proceed with caution or reservation.
HESITANT adj. tending to hold back.
IMITANTSimitants n. Plural of imitant.
IMITANT n. an imitation.
INCITANTincitant adj. Inciting; stimulating.
incitant n. That which incites; an inciting agent or cause; a stimulant.
INCITANT n. something that incites.
IRRITANTirritant adj. Causing irritation or inflammation.
irritant adj. (Law, Scotland) Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating.
irritant n. Any medication designed to cause irritation.
LATITANTlatitant adj. (Archaic) Lying hidden; concealed; latent.
LATITANT adj. lurking; lying in wait.
MILITANTmilitant adj. Fighting or disposed to fight; belligerent, warlike.
militant adj. Aggressively supporting of a political or social cause; adamant, combative.
militant n. (Obsolete) A soldier, a combatant.
OSCITANToscitant adj. Yawning; gaping.
oscitant adj. Sleepy; drowsy; sluggish; careless.
OSCITANT adj. yawning; gaping.
VISITANTvisitant n. One who visits; a guest; a visitor.
visitant n. A spectre or ghost.
visitant n. A migratory bird that makes a temporary stop somewhere.
VOLITANTvolitant adj. Flying; capable of flight.
VOLITANT adj. capable of flying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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