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There are 20 seven-letter words containing IRING

AIRINGSairings n. Plural of airing.
AIRING n. an exposure to the air.
FAIRINGfairing n. (Now archaic) A gift or other souvenir bought at a fair.
fairing n. (Now rare) A present, especially given by a lover.
fairing n. (Scotland, Ireland, now rare) Something that is deserved; one’s deserts.
FIRINGSfirings n. Plural of firing.
FIRING n. the process of maturing ceramic products.
HAIRINGhairing v. Present participle of hair.
hairing n. A distinctive pattern of hair growth.
HAIR v. to free from hair.
HEIRINGheiring v. Present participle of heir.
HEIR v. to inherit.
HIRINGShirings n. Plural of hiring.
HIRING n. the act by which an article is hired.
LAIRINGlairing v. Present participle of lair.
LAIR v. to go to a lair.
LEIRINGLEIR v. (Scots) to teach, also LEAR, LEARE, LERE.
PAIRINGpairing n. The combination or union of two things.
pairing n. (Politics) An agreement between two members of a legislative body holding opposite opinions to refrain…
pairing v. Present participle of pair.
QUIRINGquiring v. Present participle of quire.
Quiring prop.n. A surname.
QUIRE v. to sing in concert.
SAIRINGSAIR v. to savour, also SAR.
SHIRINGshiring v. Present participle of shire.
SHIR v. to pucker, also SHIRR.
SIRINGSsirings n. Plural of siring.
SIRING n. the act of begetting.
SPIRINGspiring v. Present participle of spire.
'spiring v. Present participle of ’spire.
SPIRE v. to rise in a tapering manner.
STIRINGSTIRE v. (archaic) to stir, also STYRE.
TIRINGStirings n. Plural of tiring.
TIRING n. in falconry, a bony or tough portion of meat given to a bird to pull at for exercise.
TWIRINGtwiring v. Present participle of twire.
TWIRE v. (Shakespeare) to peep, twinkle.
WAIRINGwairing v. Present participle of wair.
WAIR v. to spend.
WEIRINGWEIR v. to wear.
WIRINGSwirings n. Plural of wiring.
WIRING n. a system of electric wires.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 21 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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