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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing ICISM

APOCALYPTICISMapocalypticism n. (Religion) A belief or doctrine based on apocalypse, especially which believes in an imminent end to…
Apocalypticism n. Alternative letter-case form of apocalypticism.
APOCALYPTICISM n. the doctrine of the imminent end of the world, also APOCALYPTISM.
AUTOEROTICISMSautoeroticisms n. Plural of autoeroticism.
AUTOEROTICISM n. sexual feeling arising without known external stimulation, also AUTOEROTISM.
DICHROMATICISMDICHROMATICISM n. the property of presenting different colours by transmitted light, when viewed in two different directions.
GEOCENTRICISMSGEOCENTRICISM n. the belief that the earth is the centre of the universe.
HOMOEROTICISMShomoeroticisms n. Plural of homoeroticism.
HOMOEROTICISM n. homosexuality, also HOMOEROTISM.
HYPERCRITICISMhypercriticism n. Excessive or unfairly harsh criticism.
HYPERCRITICISM n. an instance of being hypercritical.
ICONOMATICISMSICONOMATICISM n. the quality of being iconomatic.
MATHEMATICISMSMATHEMATICISM n. the belief that everything can be described or explained ultimately in mathematical terms.
METEMPIRICISMSMETEMPIRICISM n. the study of metempiric ideas.
NEOCLASSICISMSneoclassicisms n. Plural of neoclassicism.
NEOCLASSICISM n. a revival of the classical style in art and architecture.
NEOPLASTICISMSNEOPLASTICISM n. a style of abstract painting in which geometrical patterns are formed of patches of flat colour enclosed by intersecting vertical and horizontal lines.
PERIPATETICISMperipateticism n. The doctrines or philosophical system of the peripatetics.
PERIPATETICISM n. the state of being peripatetic.
SCHOLASTICISMSscholasticisms n. Plural of scholasticism.
Scholasticisms n. Plural of Scholasticism.
SCHOLASTICISM n. the aims, methods, and products of thought which constituted the main endeavour of the intellectual life of the Middle Ages.
THEOCENTRICISMTHEOCENTRICISM n. the state of being theocentric, having God as the central interest and ultimate concern, also THEOCENTRICITY.
UNATHLETICISMSSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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