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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing IONAR

ABLUTIONARYablutionary adj. Pertaining to ablution.
ABLUTIONARY adj. relating to the act of ablution.
DELUSIONARYdelusionary adj. (Psychology) Delusional.
DELUSIONARY adj. relating to delusion, also DELUSIONAL.
DILUTIONARYdilutionary adj. (Economics) Related to the dilution of stocks and shares.
DILUTIONARY adj. tending to dilute.
DIVISIONARYdivisionary adj. Divisional.
DIVISIONARY adj. marking a division.
FRACTIONARYfractionary adj. (Obsolete) fractional.
FRACTIONARY adj. fractional, fragmentary.
FUNCTIONARYfunctionary n. A person employed as an official in a bureaucracy (usually corporate or governmental) who holds limited…
functionary n. A paper-pusher, bean counter.
FUNCTIONARY n. one who serves in a certain function.
ILLUSIONARYillusionary adj. Illusory; pertaining to an illusion, or of the nature of an illusion.
ILLUSIONARY adj. having the nature of an illusion.
LEGATIONARYlegationary adj. Relating to a legation.
LEGATIONARY adj. relating to a legation.
LEGIONARIESlegionaries n. Plural of legionary.
LEGIONARY n. a member of a legion.
LIBATIONARYlibationary adj. Relating to, or involving, a libation.
LIBATIONARY adj. of or like a libation.
LOCUTIONARYlocutionary adj. Relating to, or characteristic of locution.
LOCUTIONARY adj. of or relating to an utterance.
OBSIDIONARYobsidionary adj. Obsidional; relating to a siege.
OBSIDIONARY adj. of or relating to a siege, also OBSIDIONAL.
PETITIONARYpetitionary adj. Supplicatory; making a petition.
petitionary adj. Containing a petition; of the nature of a petition.
PETITIONARY adj. like a petition.
QUESTIONARYquestionary n. A questionnaire.
questionary n. (Archaic) One who makes it his business to seek after relics and carry them about for sale.
questionary adj. Inquiring; asking questions; testing.
REACTIONARYreactionary adj. (Politics) Favoring a return to an alleged, mythical golden age of the past; anti-progressive.
reactionary adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, participating in, or inducing a chemical reaction.
reactionary adj. In reaction to; as a result of.
RELIGIONARYreligionary adj. (Obsolete) Relating to religion; pious.
religionary n. (Dated) A religious zealot; a religionist.
RELIGIONARY n. a member of a religious order; a Protestant.
REVISIONARYrevisionary adj. Having the character of a revision.
REVISIONARY adj. relating to revision, also REVISIONAL.
SEDITIONARYseditionary n. An inciter or promoter of sedition; a seditionist.
seditionary adj. Constituting or relating to sedition.
SEDITIONARY n. one who promotes sedition.
VISIONARIESvisionaries n. Plural of visionary.
VISIONARY n. a person of imagination or foresight, also VISIONER, VISIONIST.
VOLITIONARYvolitionary adj. Relating to the volition or will; volitional.
VOLITIONARY adj. relating to volition, also VOLITIONAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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