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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing IMPRE

IMPRECATINGimprecating v. Present participle of imprecate.
IMPRECATE v. to call down by prayer; to curse; to invoke evil on.
IMPRECATIONimprecation n. The act of imprecating, or invoking evil upon someone; a prayer that a curse or calamity may befall someone.
imprecation n. A curse.
IMPRECATION n. the act of cursing.
IMPRECATORYimprecatory adj. That imprecates or invokes evil.
IMPRECATORY adj. of or like an imprecation.
IMPRECISELYimprecisely adv. In an imprecise manner.
IMPRECISE adv. not precise, also UNPRECISE.
IMPRECISIONimprecision n. A lack of precision or exactness; poor accuracy.
IMPRECISION n. lack of precision.
IMPREGNABLEimpregnable adj. (Military) Of a fortress or other fortified place: able to withstand all attacks; impenetrable, inconquerable…
impregnable adj. (Figuratively) Too strong to be defeated or overcome; invincible.
impregnable adj. Capable of being impregnated; impregnatable.
IMPREGNABLYimpregnably adv. In an impregnable manner; so as to defy attack.
IMPREGNABLE adv. that cannot be taken by attack.
IMPREGNANTSimpregnants n. Plural of impregnant.
IMPREGNANT n. that which impregnates.
IMPREGNATEDimpregnated v. Past participle of impregnate.
IMPREGNATE v. to fill, imbue; to make pregnant.
IMPREGNATESimpregnates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impregnate.
IMPREGNATE v. to fill, imbue; to make pregnant.
IMPREGNATORimpregnator n. One who impregnates.
IMPREGNATOR n. one who impregnates.
IMPRESARIOSimpresarios n. Plural of impresario.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.
IMPRESSIBLEimpressible adj. Capable of being impressed; susceptible of receiving impression.
impressible adj. Capable of creating an impression. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
IMPRESSIBLE adj. that can be impressed.
IMPRESSIONSimpressions n. Plural of impression.
impressions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impression.
IMPRESSION n. a stamp, form, or figure resulting from physical contact.
IMPRESSMENTimpressment n. The act of seizing for public use; impressing into public service.
IMPRESSMENT n. the act of seizing for public use or of impressing into public service.
IMPRESSURESimpressures n. Plural of impressure.
IMPRESSURE n. (archaic) an impression.
OVERIMPRESSoverimpress v. (Transitive) To impress too much.
OVERIMPRESS v. to impress excessively.
UNIMPRESSEDunimpressed adj. Not impressed.
unimpressed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unimpress.
UNIMPRESSED adj. not impressed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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