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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing ILLER

ARTILLERIESartilleries n. Plural of artillery.
ARTILLERY n. offensive weapons of war esp. heavy guns.
ARTILLERISTartillerist n. (Military) A person who operates artillery.
ARTILLERIST n. one who operates artillery.
BUZZKILLERSBUZZKILLER n. someone or something that stops people from enjoying themselves, also BUZZKILL.
CORDILLERANcordilleran adj. Relating to a cordillera.
CORDILLERAN adj. relating to a cordillera, a mountain ridge or chain.
CORDILLERAScordilleras n. Plural of cordillera.
CORDILLERA n. (Spanish) a mountain ridge or chain.
CREMAILLEREcrémaillère n. An indented or zigzagging line of entrenchment used in fortification.
CREMAILLERE n. (French) a zigzag line of fortification.
DOWNHILLERSdownhillers n. Plural of downhiller.
DOWNHILLER n. one who skis downhill.
GENOUILLEREgenouillère n. (Historical) A metal plate used as armour for the knee.
genouillère n. Part of a parapet lying between the gun platform and the bottom of an embrasure.
GENOUILLERE n. (French) a jointed kneepiece in armour.
GUERRILLEROguerrillero n. A guerrilla fighter.
GUERRILLERO n. a guerrilla, someone who takes part in guerrilla warfare.
PAINKILLERSpainkillers n. Plural of painkiller.
pain␣killers n. Plural of pain killer.
PAINKILLER n. something (as a drug) that relieves pain.
QUADRILLERSquadrillers n. Plural of quadriller.
QUADRILLER n. one who dances the quadrille.
ROTOTILLERSrototillers n. Plural of rototiller.
ROTOTILLER n. an implement used to rototill.
SCHILLERISEschillerise v. Alternative form of schillerize.
SCHILLERISE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERIZE.
SCHILLERIZEschillerize v. To change so as to produce a metalic luster.
Schillerize v. To interpret or adapt based on the moral and aesthetic philosophy of Friedrich Schiller.
SCHILLERIZE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERISE.
STENCILLERSstencillers n. Plural of stenciller.
STENCILLER n. one who paints or colors in figures by means of stencil, also STENCILER.
TRANQUILLERtranquiller adj. Comparative form of tranquil: more tranquil.
TRANQUIL adj. calm, peaceful.
WEEDKILLERSweedkillers n. Plural of weedkiller.
WEEDKILLER n. a chemical preparation or other substance for killing weeds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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