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There are 18 ten-letter words containing INDIN

ABSCINDINGabscinding v. Present participle of abscind.
ABSCIND v. to cut off.
BLINDINGLYblindingly adv. In a blinding manner.
blindingly adv. Extremely.
BLINDING adv. causing blindness, dazzling.
DYSBINDINSDYSBINDIN n. a gene associated with schizophrenia.
EXSCINDINGexscinding v. Present participle of exscind.
EXSCIND v. to cut out.
GRINDINGLYgrindingly adv. With a grinding sound or motion.
grindingly adv. With tedious repetition; mechanically.
GRINDING adv. of poverty, very severe.
INDINAVIRSINDINAVIR n. a drug used to treat AIDS.
MISBINDINGmisbinding v. Present participle of misbind.
MISBIND v. to bind imperfectly.
NETMINDINGnetminding n. (Ice hockey, field hockey) goalkeeping, goaltending.
netminding v. Present participle of netmind.
NONBINDINGnonbinding adj. Alternative spelling of non-binding.
non-binding adj. (Law) That does not bind the participants.
non-binding adj. (Chemistry) Not involved in the formation of bonds.
OUTFINDINGoutfinding v. Present participle of outfind.
OUTFIND v. to surpass in finding.
OUTWINDINGoutwinding v. Present participle of outwind.
OUTWIND v. to unwind.
PREBINDINGprebinding v. Present participle of prebind.
PREBIND v. to bind in durable materials for library use.
REGRINDINGregrinding v. Present participle of regrind.
regrinding n. The act by which something is reground.
REGRIND v. to grind again.
RESCINDINGrescinding v. Present participle of rescind.
rescinding n. An instance of something being rescinded.
RESCIND v. to annul, remove.
REWINDINGSrewindings n. Plural of rewinding.
REWINDING n. the act of winding again.
UNBINDINGSunbindings n. Plural of unbinding.
UNBINDING n. the act of unbinding.
UNBLINDINGunblinding v. Present participle of unblind.
UNBLIND v. to free from blindness.
UNWINDINGSunwindings n. Plural of unwinding.
UNWINDING n. the act of unwinding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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