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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing ILITI

CIVILITIEScivilities n. Plural of civility.
CIVILITY n. politeness.
DEBILITIESdebilities n. Plural of debility.
DEBILITY n. weakness.
DOCILITIESdocilities n. Plural of docility.
DOCILITY n. the quality of being docile.
FACILITIESfacilities n. Plural of facility.
facilities n. Synonym of facility in certain contexts.
facilities n. (Euphemistic) Facilities for urination and defecation: a toilet; a lavatory.
FUTILITIESfutilities n. Plural of futility.
FUTILITY n. uselessness.
HUMILITIEShumilities n. Plural of humility.
HUMILITY n. the quality of being humble.
LABILITIESlabilities n. Plural of lability.
LABILITY n. the state of being labile, susceptible to change.
MILITIAMANmilitiaman n. A member of a militia.
MILITIAMAN n. a member of a militia.
MILITIAMENmilitiamen n. Plural of militiaman.
MILITIAMAN n. a member of a militia.
MOBILITIESmobilities n. Plural of mobility.
MOBILITY n. the ability to move.
MOTILITIESmotilities n. Plural of motility.
MOTILITY n. the ability to move, also MOTIVITY.
NIHILITIESnihilities n. Plural of nihility.
NIHILITY n. the state of being nothing.
NOBILITIESnobilities n. Plural of nobility.
NOBILITY n. the social class composed of nobles.
NUBILITIESnubilities n. Plural of nubility.
NUBILITY n. the quality of being nubile.
POIKILITICpoikilitic adj. (Geology) Describing the texture of an igneous rock that has small crystals of one mineral scattered…
POIKILITIC adj. mottled; having small crystals of one mineral irregularly scattered in larger crystals of another.
SENILITIESsenilities n. Plural of senility.
SENILITY n. mental and physical infirmity due to old age.
SYPHILITICsyphilitic adj. (Pathology) Of, relating to, or infected with syphilis.
syphilitic n. A person with syphilis (but see people-first language).
SYPHILITIC adj. of or like syphilis, a venereal disease.
TONSILITIStonsilitis n. (Medicine) Alternative spelling of tonsillitis.
TONSILITIS n. inflammation of the tonsils, also TONSILLITIS.
VAGILITIESvagilities n. Plural of vagility.
VAGILITY n. freedom of movement.
VIRILITIESvirilities n. Plural of virility.
VIRILITY n. the state of being virile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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