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There are 16 ten-letter words containing ICENT

BENEFICENTbeneficent adj. Given to acts that are kind, charitable, philanthropic or beneficial.
BENEFICENT adj. doing or producing good, also BENEFICENTIAL.
DICENTRICSdicentrics n. Plural of dicentric.
DICENTRIC n. a chromosome having two centromeres.
EPICENTERSepicenters n. Plural of epicenter.
EPICENTER n. (US) the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the focus of an earthquake, also EPICENTRE, EPICENTRUM.
EPICENTRALepicentral adj. Of or pertaining to an epicentre.
epicentral n. (Anatomy) An epicentral bone.
EPICENTRAL adj. relating to an epicentre.
EPICENTRESepicentres n. Plural of epicentre.
EPICENTRE n. the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the focus of an earthquake, also EPICENTER, EPICENTRUM.
EPICENTRUMEPICENTRUM n. the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the focus of an earthquake, also EPICENTER, EPICENTRE.
LICENTIATElicentiate n. A person who holds the academic degree of license.
licentiate n. One who has a licence to exercise a profession.
licentiate n. A friar authorized to receive confessions and grant absolution in all places, independently of the local clergy.
LICENTIOUSlicentious adj. Lacking restraint, or ignoring societal standards, particularly in sexual conduct; sexually unprincipled.
licentious adj. Disregarding accepted rules.
LICENTIOUS adj. characterized by license; abusive of freedom.
MALEDICENTmaledicent adj. (Archaic) reproachful in speech.
maledicent adj. (Archaic) slanderous.
MALEDICENT adj. cursing.
MALEFICENTmaleficent adj. Harmful or evil in intent or effect.
MALEFICENT adj. (archaic) hurtful, also MALEFICIAL.
MUNIFICENTmunificent adj. (Of a person or group) Very liberal in giving or bestowing.
munificent adj. (Of a gift, donation, etc.) Very generous; lavish.
MUNIFICENT adj. generous, liberal.
OMNIFICENTomnificent adj. All-creating, omnific.
OMNIFICENT adj. doing everything.
PERICENTERpericenter n. (Astronomy) The peribaryon, the point of closest approach of an astronomical object in an elliptical…
PERICENTER n. the point in the path of a body revolving round a centre at which it is nearest to the centre, also PERICENTRE.
PERICENTREpericentre n. Alternative spelling of pericenter.
PERICENTRE n. the point in the path of a body revolving round a centre at which it is nearest to the centre, also PERICENTER.
RETICENTLYreticently adv. In a reticent manner.
RETICENT adv. tending to be silent.
UNICENTRALunicentral adj. Having a single centre.
UNICENTRAL adj. having a single center of growth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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