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There are 9 words containing ITAC

CUCURBITACEOUScucurbitaceous adj. Pertaining to the gourd family, including cucumbers, pumpkins etc.
CUCURBITACEOUS adj. resembling a cucumber or a squash.
HELITACKHELITACK n. the use of helicopters to fight forest fires.
HELITACKSHELITACK n. the use of helicopters to fight forest fires.
ITACISMitacism n. Alternative form of iotacism.
ITACISM n. the pronunciation of the Greek letter eta as the modern Greeks pronounce it, that is, like e in the English word be, also ETACISM.
ITACISMSitacisms n. Plural of itacism.
ITACISM n. the pronunciation of the Greek letter eta as the modern Greeks pronounce it, that is, like e in the English word be, also ETACISM.
ITACOLUMITEitacolumite n. (Mineralogy) A porous yellow sandstone that is flexible when cut into thin strips.
ITACOLUMITE n. a kind of sandstone, flexible when cut into thin slabs.
ITACOLUMITESitacolumites n. Plural of itacolumite.
ITACOLUMITE n. a kind of sandstone, flexible when cut into thin slabs.
ITACONICitaconic adj. Of or pertaining to itaconic acid or its derivatives.
ITACONIC adj. as in itaconic acid, a component of some synthetic resins.
VITACEOUSvitaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Vitaceae of vines including grape.
VITACEOUS adj. of a family of flowering plants that includes the grapevine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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